Founded in 1982, Inter-Mountain has served the Mining, Oil & Gas, Construction, Environmental and Water Well industries with exceptional products and services utilizing creative technologies. We are the leading API-licensed threading facility in Wyoming and partner with suppliers and fellow manufacturers nationwide. IMPT offers close tolerance, high production manufacturing with state-of-the-art computerized, numerically-controlled equipment.
In addition to offering a wide variety of pipe sizes, grades and lengths, we produce high quality accessories including flush joint casing, crossovers, lift subs and sonic drill bits.
Whether through product sales or services such as inventory management and pipe inspections/reclamations, we at Inter-Mountain Pipe & Threading pride ourselves in superior service and long-term customer satisfaction.

Founded in 1982, Inter-Mountain has served the Mining, Oil & Gas, Construction, Environmental and Water Well industries with exceptional products and services utilizing creative technologies. We are the leading API-licensed threading facility in Wyoming and partner with suppliers and fellow manufacturers worldwide.
IMPT offers close tolerance, high production manufacturing with state-of-the-art computerized, numerically-controlled equipment. In addition to offering a wide variety of pipe sizes, grades and lengths, we produce high quality accessories including flush joint casing, crossovers, lift subs and sonic drill bits.
Whether through product sales or services such as inventory management and pipe inspections/reclamations, we at Inter-Mountain Pipe & Threading pride ourselves in superior service and long-term customer satisfaction.

Our Inter-Mountain Team.
Our Original Inter-Mountain Team.
Founder Richard Bonander, second from right.
Our History

Inter-Mountain Threading is established.
With just $260, Richard Bonander
opens the Inter-Mountain Pipe Company.

It Begins
Early 1990's
Revolutionizing Thread
Our innovative speed casing HWT and other proprietary flush joint connections, marked a significant industry shift away from antiquated methods, propelling Inter-Mountain's full transition into the mining market.

IMPT began expanding its reach, such as providing double wall insulated tubing
for the Naval Reserve #3.
New Endeavors
"The Big Dig", Boston

IMPT Is Formed
In 2000, Inter-Mountain Pipe and Inter-Mountain Threading combined under one umbrella, thus
establishing Inter-Mountain Pipe & Threading Co.

Powerlines Over Mt.Rainier
Underwater Freezing Projects
IMPT joined in at the forefront of engineering
excellence, supplying critical piping solutions for
stabilization endeavors in renowned projects such
as Canada's McArthur River and Seager Lake initiatives.
Expansion of Facilities
IMPT underwent a large strategic initiative to significantly enhance its operating capacity through the expansion of its facilities.
IMPT delivered meticulous pipe enforcement services for the flumes located on the northern slopes of Mt.Rainier, ensuring unparalleled structural integrity and operational efficiency.

Inspection Facilities
In 2016, the Inter-Mountain Pipe & Threading Inspection Facility is opened, utilizing the state of the art EMI equipment and upgrading its pipe reclamation offerings.

Manufacturing Expansion
IMPT proudly integrated a state-of-the-art plasma table into its operations, marking a significant milestone as the company commemorated the precision cutting of millions of API premium threads.

New Brand, Same Legacy
In honor of its 41st anniversary, IMPT unveiled a refreshed logo and brand identity. Featuring a circle representing the foundational pipe and tri-peak mountains, this refresh symbolizes the company's commitment to delivering exceptional products and services, locally and globally.

New Leadership
After 18 years of dedicated service Dana Bonander is promoted to President, signifying an exciting new chapter for IMPT.

IMPT moved its facilities to a new location to better suit its expanded product and service offering.
New Facilities, New Offerings
IMPT played a pivotal role in the monumental
Big Dig project by designing and supplying ground freezing pipe, instrumental in stabilizing
the ground and infrastructure during the
construction phase.

Acquisition of
American Tubular Inspection
On April 12th, 2024, IMPT acquired American Tubular Inspection and greatly expanded its facilities, capabilities and production capacity.
The state-of-the-art 20,000 sq. ft facility and increased storage capacity marks a new chapter
in the Inter-Mountain journey.